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Mendocino Unified School District is committed to providing students with access to the best educational resources. Students will use a wide range of technology tools and devices to support their learning and allow them to develop information technology literacy. We promote digital citizenship through by modeling appropriate use of technology at all times, providing explicit instruction as well as hands on opportunities to explore the challenges of growing up in a digital world. 



Tips for Parents

Check privacy settings  

Check age restrictions and recommendations

Discuss and agree on ground rules

Be present in their digital world 

Stay informed

Limit device access

Be a good example of how to use social media



Common Sense Media Logo

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that provides education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children. They provide information and advice on a variety of topics including Screentime, Cyberbullying and Privacy. The parent concerns section of this website answers questions such as;

How much screentime is okay for my kid(s)?

What should I do if my kid is bullied online?

What age should my kid be before they use social media?

Is it safe to post pictures of my kid online?

Digital Glossary


Family Safety Institute

Working to make the online world safer for kids and their families through enlightened public policy, industry best practice and good digital parenting.

Why Social Media is Not So Smart for Middle Kids







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