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Mendcino High School

Mendocino High School Program Overview

Of all four high school options, Mendocino High School (MHS) is the most traditional and comprehensive program. Along with the Mendocino Community High School (MCHS), MHS offers the majority of academic classes, including all math, science and foreign languages, as well as electives such as art, music and a variety of CTE courses. Among its strong core offerings, the High School hosts the School of Natural Resources, or the SONAR program, a double period of environmental science and English. Students have access to 9 AP courses including in English, science, art, and more. A wide variety of electives and CTE courses are also offered including in the areas of culinary, electronics, engineering, computer science and programming, woodshop, and media, which runs Mendocino High School’s own student-powered radio station, KAKX. Mendocino College also offers one class per semester on the high school campus. Despite being a small school, MHS offers a large variety of meaningful and rigorous courses.

An important part of the Mendocino High Schools that has greatly influenced the world-views and experiences of Mendocino students is Alternative Education Week (AE Week). AE Week is an experiential learning opportunity that happens in the second week of April when students explore the richness of the world beyond the classroom. From local classes at the neighboring Art Center to watching theater in Ashland to backpacking, sailing, and climbing trips, the world becomes the classroom. AE Week is an invaluable source of enrichment for Mendocino students. The trips build community through shared experience and expand the comfort-zones of participants. It is not uncommon for students to develop passions and purpose in their lives because of an experience they had during AE Week.

Mendocino Community High School Program Overview

Mendocino Community High School is a school within Mendocino High School and has 50-60 students. MCHS students and staff are part of a close-knit learning community that values creativity, academic rigor, personal growth, and community involvement.  Student success at MCHS relies on student initiative and responsibility. The family-like environment fosters positive relationships between and among students and staff. These relationships form the foundation of the community at MCHS. Mendocino Community High School provides students with a holistic education that challenges students to expand their boundaries academically and personally.  Students are frequently asked to “step outside of their comfort zones” in order to experience new challenges. Experiential education weaves its way through the entire MCHS curriculum.

Morning Meeting is an integral part of the MCHS program, differentiating MCHS from many other high school programs. Morning Meeting provides students and the staff the space and time to make deep connections with one another, and it helps to establish the close family environment that MCHS strives to create. Activities include team building initiatives, guest speakers, dance, yoga, theatre, discussions about current events and health issues, journaling, and a variety of student-planned activities. Retreats are another of the central aspects that define the Community School. Fall and Spring retreats are a time to set the caring and open tone of the school and focus on building relationships and to reflect on the year.

The Community School hosts a variety of other unique programs and events. The Outdoor Leadership Program includes adventure activities such as kayaking, rock climbing, backpacking and mountain biking. Students learn basic wilderness first aid skills and learn how to facilitate challenge course (low rope course) elements. A unique MCHS graduation requirement is the Senior Project. The Senior Project gives students an opportunity to explore and develop one of their interests while receiving school credit. 

Mendocino Sunrise High School Program Overview

Established in 2007, Mendocino Sunrise High School is a continuation school with a maximum enrollment of 15 students. With two teachers, MSHS uses a continuation education model to provide an alternative to comprehensive high school and independent study. MSHS staff works to improve the attitude of students towards education, as well as basic skills and knowledge through individualized learning plans and collaborative learning activities. The continuation program provides an opportunity to make up credits, salvage partial credit when a semester has not been going well, work and study part time, prepare for the California High School Proficiency Exam, or just get a fresh start. Students may also attend any MHS/MCHS scheduled classes at the end of the MSHS school day. This relationship between the schools benefits students, as they can use MSHS credits to complete graduation requirements for any of the Mendocino High Schools. An evaluation meeting with staff, students, and parents can recommend a student for enrollment at MSHS or to return to comprehensive high school or independent study.

Daily attendance is required from 8:15 AM to lunch for a total of 15 hours per week, or one academic credit a week.  Student success at MSHS relies on a student’s self-awareness and responsibility. The burden of responsibility for achievement is placed upon the student. The staff at MSHS recognizes that each of our students comes with individual needs. Every effort is made to help each student meet their own needs and achieve success.  Most subjects offered are programmed, self-directed materials, designed for students to proceed at a rate in relation to their capabilities. MSHS has created and implemented a post high school preparation program in the areas of Consumer Math and World of Work to focus on work and career goals post high school graduation. Small class size allows for more personal attention, and individualized instruction allows each pupil to learn what is appropriate in content, difficulty, and method.

Mendocino Alternative School (Independent Study) Program Overview

Mendocino Alternative School (MAS) offers students the option of pursuing their education in locations other than in the classroom. MAS students come from varied backgrounds and choose the program for a variety of reasons, but the one common requirement is that participants are self-starting and intrinsically motivated. Essentially an independent study program, MAS coursework is designed to be meaningful and interesting to the individual students it serves, while meeting district requirements for grade level advancement and graduation. Typically, students check in with their instructor weekly to receive new assignments and to turn in completed work. MAS students are encouraged to broaden their educational experience through personal commitment to their own education.

MAS high school coursework most often prepares students for success in community college, technical school or full-time work. Because lab sciences, foreign languages, AP courses, and the like cannot be offered with the same integrity as is possible in the classroom, MAS does not meet A-G requirements.  Therefore, students who wish to attend a four-year university immediately following high school are not recommended for the program. However, committed students are able to take college prep courses at MHS/MCHS, community colleges, or through accredited online programs to complete admission requirements to four-year colleges.

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