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Of all four high school options, Mendocino High School (MHS) is the most traditional and comprehensive program. Along with the Mendocino Community High School (MCHS), MHS offers the majority of academic classes, including all math, science and foreign languages, as well as electives such as art, music and a variety of CTE courses. Among its strong core offerings, the High School hosts the School of Natural Resources, or the SONAR program, a double period of environmental science and English. Students have access to 9 AP courses including in English, science, art, and more. A wide variety of electives and CTE courses are also offered including in the areas of culinary, electronics, engineering, computer science and programming, woodshop, and media, which runs Mendocino High School’s own student-powered radio station, KAKX. Mendocino College also offers one class per semester on the high school campus. Despite being a small school, MHS offers a large variety of meaningful and rigorous courses.

An important part of the Mendocino High Schools that has greatly influenced the world-views and experiences of Mendocino students is Alternative Education Week (AE Week). AE Week is an experiential learning opportunity that happens in the second week of April when students explore the richness of the world beyond the classroom. From local classes at the neighboring Art Center to watching theater in Ashland to backpacking, sailing, and climbing trips, the world becomes the classroom. AE Week is an invaluable source of enrichment for Mendocino students. The trips build community through shared experience and expand the comfort-zones of participants. It is not uncommon for students to develop passions and purpose in their lives because of an experience they had during AE Week.

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